II Corinthians 2:14 declares “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” God has led Darlene to triumph in many areas of her life and to show her gratitude she is on a mission to allow Him to use her life to release the fragrance of His knowledge in every place and to every nation of people. Whether she is sharing one on one or preaching in the hearing of many her desire is to see lives transformed by revelation of the Word of God. Her joy comes from knowing she obeyed God and hearing testimonies from those who gained victory by applying the Word to their lives. 
Darlene is in full-time ministry serving with her husband, Apostle Kevin K. Barber, Sr., Senior Pastor of Wellspring Church International “Living in the Refreshing” located in Richmond, Texas. God has anointed her with a prophetic anointing that was birth through a passionate and powerful prayer life. Prophetess Darlene oversees Wellspring’s Intercessory Prayer Ministry and J.E.W.E.L.S Women’ s Ministry. In May of 2003, Prophetess Darlene completed her certification as a Christian Counselor through the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). In November 2010, Darlene was ordained into the office of Prophetess through Day Star Tabernacle Int’l 7000 More Covenant of Churches under the leadership of Apostle Halton and Pastor Alicia Horton of Douglasville, Georgia. 
She is the biological daughter of Roosevelt and Marie Lee and spiritual daughter of Apostle Jerome and Pastor Betty Nelson. She honors God for blessing her with both natural and spiritual parents who continue to be true examples of love and faithfulness that has giving her a rich inheritance in Christ Jesus. Pastors Kevin and Darlene are the parents of two priceless sons Kevin Jr. and Justin, two daughters in laws Kaelyn and Adrianna and two granddaughters Kahlani and Kaliyah.

pastor betty nelson

Betty Barras Nelson is the wife of Jerome Nelson, Sr., Senior Pastor of Spirit of Life Ministries, a growing church where the theme is “An Awakening to a Higher Sphere of Christian Living.” The Lord used them to start this church on November 4, 1990. Since then they have built a congregation known for its life, love, liberty in the Spirit and a relentless pursuit to be Christ- like. The wisdom they have gained from walking with Jesus in difficult times has been beneficial in their ministry to married couples, divorcees, and blended families. 
She assists her husband with the Spirit of Life Ministries Fellowship of Pastors and Spouses where senior pastors and their spouses under their spiritual leadership meet monthly (along with other pastors and spouses in the Houston area) for instruction in pastoral leadership, moral accountability, marriage/personal enrichment and refreshing fellowship. She also started Vessels 
of Life Women’s victory in every area of life. The Nelsons are proud parents of seven (7) children and ten (10) grandchildren.

Apostle Elaine benson

Pastor Elaine Benson is the daughter of the late Wilson and Nellie Thomas Sr. She is the youngest of seven children. Pastor Elaine met and married the love of her life, the late Pastor Charles E. Benson in 1980; they were married 26 wonderful years.
Pastor Elaine Benson was educated in the Houston Independent School District. She graduated from Kashmere Sr. High in 1974. She furthered her education at Bishop College in Dallas, Texas receiving a Bachelor of Art Degree in Business Administration in 1979. She received an Associate of Arts in Theology in 2008 and became a Certified Christian Counselor in 2011. She received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the office of President Barak Obama in 2016.
Pastor Elaine Benson was ordained into the ministry in 1995. She was passed the mantle to pastor after the death of her beloved husband in October 2006. The church unanimously approved, and she was officially installed into the office of Pastor of First Fruits Christian Center in April 2007. The church has grown and flourished under her leadership.
Pastor Elaine Benson is also the founder and Overseer of OJM International (formerly Oil of Joy Ministries), initially an outreach to women but is now a network of churches, ministries and partners throughout the nation and abroad. The ministry was established in 1986 as a support group to minister healing and hope to the hurting through monthly meetings, quarterly empowerment gatherings, daily prayer line, training seminars, retreats and annual conferences. The ministry has been a blessing to many over its thirty-
year history. Ministries that are currently in alignment with the ministry are: Oil of Joy II in Brooklyn New York; Oil of Joy East Texas Connection; God’s Abiding Love Ministry; Father’s Houston, Conroe, Texas, Kidron Brooks, Houston Texas and Fountain of Life Global Ministries. Future cities and regions include: Oil of Joy West Texas, Oil of Joy Atlanta, Oil of Joy DC, and Oil of Joy, Nigeria, Africa.


Apostle Eula Washington Pastor of New Beginning CFI—Founder Pastor Johnnie
Washington, Jr. Beloved Ministries — 1986 Joy Joy The Clown Revue (Clown Ministry) Elijah School of Ministry
Apostle Eula was installed in Nigeria. Ecclesia Ministries Assoc. Int’l ( Nigeria & London England) 159 Churches & Ministries
Kidnapped in December 2013 Mission—2014 Native American Indians 
2019– Jamaica Crusade 
Canada—Extensively in US.


Pastor Tamara H. Davis serves the Grace Church International Ministry alongside of her husband, Pastor Derrick L. Davis Sr. Pastor Tamara has been married to Pastor Derrick for 28 years and have three beautiful children and one daughter in law: Derrick Jr. (Jessica), Tameka Elaine and Derius MacAurthur, all who faithfully serves in the ministry of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Pastor Tamara is a servant leader who faithfully serves in various ministries. She serves as Senior Administrator, Leader of the Women of Grace Network, and Leader of the Facility and Building Services of the Church. Tamara is passionate about fulfilling her call through teaching, exhorting and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has had great opportunities of ministering in many women conferences across the city. Her deep conviction and encounters with the Most High God has birthed an uncompromising ministry that ignites and encourages the Body of Christ to believe God and never give up no matter what we experience in this life.
Pastor Tamara is the founder and Executive Director of Safe Place Outreach, which is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization; with a mission to provide a one stop, safe haven for the elderly, at risk and under-privileged communities, children/youth, single moms, and families for the purpose of transforming and improving lives through mentoring, training, and spiritual enrichment. She is a graduate of Letourneau University with a Bachelor in Business Administration and a Minor in Management. She has been employed by the City of
Houston/Houston Police Department for 25 years, where she has received numerous commendations of her outstanding work ethic and she has also been nominated and the recipient of the Civilian Supervisor of the Year Award for three consecutive years.

Pastor Tamara also serves the global ministry of OJM International Ministry under the leadership of Apostle Elaine Benson. Pastors Tamara and Derrick Davis and Grace Church International Ministry are under the Apostolic covering of Apostle Jerome and Pastor Betty Nelson and the Spirit of Life Ministries.


Maxine Gushway is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Gates Equipping Centre. Prophetess Maxine Gushway is a certified Pastoral Counselor with The Evangelical Order of Pastoral Counselors of America.
Together with her husband Apostle Roger Gushway, they have founded Restoration Marriage and Family Counseling Ministries. This ministry is used as a vehicle to equip and maximize marriages and families, with in-depth practical teachings through Marriage Advance Weekends and Family Counseling sessions.
They have also established, The Conglomerate Ministry which is being used by God to bring together a multiplicity of anointing which bring about city and nation transformation.
Having a heart for young girls and women, Prophetess Maxine started a company called Gems Within, to solidify the hearts and give identity back to a lost generation of young women.
Ordained from 1985, she ministers with a strong Prophetic/Teaching Anointing with an emphasis on: “Equipping people to see their lives through God's eyes”.
Having functioned as Youth Pastors, Street Evangelist, Missionaries, and Ministerial Liaison, throughout Toronto, Canada, the U.S.A, the West Indies, and East Africa, South Africa, and India, her greatest accomplishment is being married for 35 years to the love of her life, they have four beautiful children Nathaniel, Daniel, Shaddai and Jahel. Two daughter's in love Melanie and Jozelle, and her beautiful grandbaby Josius Roger Gushway, who she adores.

prophetess jenice gentry

Prophet Jenice M. Gentry is a multi-gifted jewel in the Body of Christ who shares her ministry gifts with conviction and power. This native Houstonian is an anointed prophet, preacher, pastor, and marketplace leader with a powerful message of freedom and deliverance. She has ministered to diverse groups and audiences in the United States, the UK, Africa and abroad. Her passion to see lives made free by the power of Jesus Christ compels her to boldly confront the enemy by fearlessly declaring God’s truth, in turn, delivering to God’s people a message of hope and freedom from every form of bondage. 
Jenice serves as Co-founder and Director of Programs for Community Works CDC, which is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization with a mission to liberate youth, adults and families from spiritual, social and economic bondage through Christ-centered programs. Under her leadership, the Community Works HHR program has assisted nearly 40,000 individuals in recovering from the devastation of Hurricane Harvey by providing shelter, basic needs and financial assistance. Community Works has also mobilized over 500 volunteers and is continuing to serve over seven zip codes in the Northeast Houston area. 
Jenice is also the founder and visionary of Leading Ladies Network International whose vision is to empower and liberate women to lead well in their homes, the marketplace and the Kingdom of God by offering Christ-centered Relationship, Discipleship and Leadership. 
Jenice’s leadership in the Marketplace and Kingdom has gained her recognition and awards including the “Community Impact Award” presented by the Helpmeet Women’s Empowerment Organization of Houston, “The Women of Impact Award” received from the God Made Me Beautiful Women’s Organization of Houston along with the “Pioneering Award” received from EPIC Global Network. 
Jenice attended The College of Biblical Studies where she pursued a BS in Biblical Counseling and is certified in Biblical Teaching. She is also licensed by the state of Texas as an Early Childhood 
Educator/Director. Over the last 20 years she has led in corporate America by managing and facilitating accreditation for corporate family centers such as JP Morgan Chase/Bright Horizons and Halliburton.

minister genesis williamson

Genesis Marie Williamson is a native Houstonian. She became a licensed minister in 2016. She is currently serving under the leadership of Apostle Elaine Benson. She is known for her quirks, but known even the more, for her prophetic worship and provoking heaven to be made manifest in earth. The Psalmist anointing was turned into ministry as life’s unique journey provoked a necessary intimacy with God. Her multi- giftedness inclusive of singing, dancing, playing, teaching, producing, and writing can be summed up in one word , “Worshipper”. Her ministry is devoted to introducing and returning hearts to intimate worship of the father, allowing rivers to flow in the desert places! (Isaiah 43:19)

Minister My'osha vincent

My’Osha McLaughlin is a native of Houston, TX. She is the eldest daughter of Pastor Melvin and Lady Shawn McLaughlin. She is the founder of STAND, a Houston based organization formed to equip the next generation. Her heart for God and His people is evident. It is her goal to see the purpose and will of God being accomplished through everyone. 
My’Osha has served in various capacities in ministry. She was licensed and ordained in 2013 by Apostle Elton W. Monday of Latter House Glory Tabernacle in Denton, TX. She has been declaring the word of the Lord since 2012. She is currently a member of First Fruits Christian Center in Houston, TX under the leadership of Pastor Elaine Benson. She is passionate about prayer and prophetic intercession and is a gifted teacher of the word. Her ability to translate revelation into practical every day truths is rare. It is this ability that allows her to minister to young, old, saved, and unsaved with the same amount of understanding and clarity. 
She is a graduate of Texas Women’s University. She finished her undergraduate degree in Family Studies in 2012. Currently, she is pursuing her Masters of Social Work degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. My’Osha possesses a desire to see individuals become whole from a spiritual, physical, and mental standpoint. Her heart for ministry and counseling are well paired and are an asset to the body of Christ.