Evangelist Ty Hubbard
Evangelist Ministry / Administrative Secretary
Personal Vision: To gather in the lost by teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The overall focus is to bring the love of Jesus to a broken people through the Word of God through serving Richmond, Rosenberg and surrounding areas in every aspect. To equip and train believers how to win souls here at Wellspring Church International, to bring them to a place where they too can “Live in the Refreshing”, and become disciples who in turn will disciple others by fulfilling the great commission (Matt. 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-20). This ministry is instrumental to the growth of our local church.
Pastor Nicholette Laqua
Education Ministry / Discipleship
Personal Vision: My heart’s desire is to passionately communicate foundational truths through the study of God’s Word to aid in the development of disciples. Through God’s divine wisdom, I am committed to teaching individuals how to apply biblical truths to every aspect of their lives. I strive to equip and perfect each disciple for the work of ministry, and see committed disciples producing other committed disciples.
Deaconess Valerie Sulliban
Church Elder
Personal Vision: My vision is to fulfill God’s desire that “all men be saved”. I am committed to being a channel of God’s refreshing through ministering to individuals who are facing life challenges, sharing the love of God, and helping to meet their personal and spiritual needs. It is my prayer that everyone I come into contact with is refreshed through the Spirit of God that lives in me and continues to live in that refreshing in everyday life.
Pastor Rodney E. Watson, Ph.D.
Church Administrator
Personal Vision: To do the work of the ministry. To usher in God’s presence in excellence through the mobilization of committed disciples focused on the vision, mission, and ministry core values. To serve as a primary point of contact to ensure that our leaders are free from physical labor and are able to devote themselves to the Word of God and prayer.